As we continue the recruitment process for Beta Mu, we are seeking Men of Principle. This principle is followed by our fellow Beta Theta Pi chapters across the country.
Vision of the Men of Principle Initiative
- Betas will be universally known as friends, gentlemen, and scholars.
- Beta Theta Pi will be acclaimed and respected by the academic community.
- Beta Theta Pi will be endorsed by parents who will advocate membership for young men.
- Betas will be in high demand by leaders of business, government, and the professions.
- Beta Theta Pi will engender bonds of friendship and brotherhood, which create a lifelong commitment to serve and support the Fraternity.

Implementing the Goals of the Men of Principle Initiative
Cultivation of the Intellect
Achieve a minimum Chapter G.P.A. at or above the campus all-men’s average.
Leadership and Self-Governance
A full delegation will be sent to General Convention, as well as to the Institute, UIFI, Beta Wilderness Challenge, and Future’s Quest. All reports required by the General Fraternity will be completed, including an annual operating calendar, and an excellent financial rating from the assistant general treasurer is required. As part of this requirement, a working Chapter constitution and bylaws will be reevaluated and installed.
Commitment to Community
Beta Mu will continue to be a campus and community leader cultivating in our members the need to give back with their time and resources.
Member Education
The pledge education program will be submitted to the General Fraternity and include a no-hazing policy. The program incorporates weekly Men of Principle mission, vision, and goals, and rituals are observed in initiation ceremonies, officer installations, and Chapter meetings.
Responsible Personal Conduct
The active Kai Committee will be governed by its constitution, bylaws, the Code of Beta Theta Pi, and Beta Theta Pi’s Risk Management Policy. All men of Beta Mu Chapter will be trained on substance abuse and host alcohol education events annually with no risk management incidents.
Chapter Advisors
The advisory team will be one of our strongest assets as a developing group of men. An active advisory team consisting of a Chapter counselor, recruitment advisor, pledge education advisor, risk management advisor, and financial advisor will meet quarterly. Each member of this team also attends the General Fraternity Advisory Team Conference.
Member Recruitment
Beta Mu will recruit the brightest men Purdue has to offer. They will help these young men develop into Men of Principle and become leaders far beyond the walls of their alma mater.